FLX Ball ·
Back Extension with the FLX Ball
- Lie on your stomach in a prone positions and the FLX Ball under your chest.
- Laterally rotate the legs and place them hip distance apart.
- Press hips into the floor and hollow out your abs.
- Stack your hands at your forehead and keep the elbows wide.
- Inhale, lengthen to lift your torso up in a spinal extension.
- Feel the length of the spinal curve rather than a “crunch” in the lower spine.
- Exhale, lower to your starting position.
REPETITIONS: 6-10 times.
- Lengthen to lift your torso up in a spinal extension.
- Extend arms long in front of you, circle them out to your side, and continue to bring them back by your hips.
- Return hands to your stacked position and lower to your starting pose.
- Repeat 4-6 times.
Variation II:
- Arms are in a 5th position overhead.
- Feel the scapula pulling down your back as you lift torso up in a spinal extension.
- Keep arms there and watch out for lifting shoulders.
- Lower to your starting position pulling your abdominals in a co-contraction to protect the spine.
- Repeat 6-10 times.
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