New Year, New Stretches

New Year, New Stretches

New Year and new me! Stretching can give you more energy and many other health benefits including decreasing stress, lowering blood pressure, and increasing flexibility so that you can flow through your day. A daily stretch routine can be the key. It will only take you ten minutes and will change the way you start your day. So, grab your Flexistretcher and let’s go!

Here are 10 stretches to try every morning. 

  1. High Lows. Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart and holding your Flexistretcher on the nylon straps just outside of the metal rings and pull the band so that you can feel the tension at shoulder height. Lift the Flexistretcher up over the head and then pull it down to press against the thighs. Keep your arms straight and inhale as you lift and exhale as you lower. Perform this stretch for one minute.  Incorporating your breathing into every stretch helps tie the mind-body connection stress reduction and lowering blood pressure.
  2. Standing Twists. Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart and holding your Flexistretcher on the nylon straps just outside of the metal rings and pull the band so that you can feel the tension at shoulder height. Keeping the arms at shoulder height, rotate to the right through the hips around to the back and lift the left heel as you twist. Deepen the stretch by pulling on the right arm towards the back feeling the shoulder blades squeeze together. Rotate to the left and repeat this stretch right twist to left twist for one minute. Inhale at the start and exhale as you twist.
  3. Overhead Side Bends. Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart and holding your Flexistretcher on the nylon straps just outside of the metal rings and pull the band so that you can feel the tension at shoulder height Lift arms overhead and bend to the side keeping arms straight and pulling down on the bottom hand to deepen the stretch. Inhale as you lift the arms up and then exhale as you bend down to the side. Repeat to the other side and alternate side bend stretches for one minute.
  4. Behind the Back Pull Downs. Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart and holding your Flexistretcher on the nylon straps just outside of the metal rings and pull the band so that you can feel the tension at shoulder height. Lift arms overhead and then pull the strap downward behind your head making a “W” with your arms. Squeeze the shoulder blades as you lower the arms and then return to the starting overhead position. Perform this up-down movement slowly making sure to squeeze the shoulder blades together at the bottom each time. Inhale at the top and exhale as you lower the arms. Practice this stretch for one minute.
  5. Behind the Back Press. Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart and holding your Flexistretcher on the nylon straps just outside of the metal rings and pull the band so that you can feel the tension at shoulder height. Lift arms up overhead and then lower the strap behind your back and head and pull the arms out to the sides. Return to the “W” position with the arms and repeat the outer pulls for one minute. Inhale as you hold the “W” and exhale as you pull wide out to the sides. Feel your shoulder blades squeezing together in the “W” position and the stretch in your chest. Then, as you straighten the arms feel the strength in the back of your arms.

(This is a great upper body and upper back stretch routine that can be repeated for a 10-minute stretch routine. The next 5 stretches are performed on the ground.) 

  1. Leg Lifter Hamstring Stretch. Start lying on your back with your foot in the elastic center of the Flexistretcher and your hands holding onto the straps. With a flexed foot slowly lift the leg keeping the leg straight (but not locking the knee) and lift and lower the straight leg feeling the stretch in the back of the thigh. This is a great dynamic stretch to warm up the hamstring perform the stretch for about 30 seconds and then switch to the other side. Inhale as you place your foot in the elastic center and exhale as you lift the leg.
  2. Hamstring Stretch Foot Flexor. Start lying on your back with the ball of your foot in the elastic center of the Flexistretcher and your hands holding onto the straps. With a flexed foot slowly lift the leg keeping the leg straight (but not locking the knee) and lift the to a comfortable height that you can hold this position. Now point and flex the ankle against the elastic center for 30 seconds. Then lower the leg and repeat on the other side. Breath throughout the stretch.
  3. Crossover IT Band Stretch. Start lying on your back with the ball of your foot in the elastic center of the Flexistretcher and your hands holding onto the straps. With a flexed foot slowly lift the leg keeping the leg straight (but not locking the knee) and lift the to a comfortable height that you can hold this position. Now slowly lower the leg across the body feeling a stretch to the outer hip and lower back. Inhale as you lower the leg and then exhale as you lift the leg back to starting position. Perform this stretch for 30 seconds (lifting and lowering) and repeat on the other side.
  4. Butterfly Stretch. Start lying on your back and bring the bottom of the feet together with the knees out to the side. Place the elastic center on the outer edge of the feet with hands in the metal rings. Slowly lift the feet towards the belly guiding them with the arms pulling up to the chest. Then rock the hips side to side, feeling the stretch in the hips, low back, and inner thighs. Performed this stretch for one minute and continue to breathe throughout.
  5. Pike Combo Stretch. Start lying on your back with the elastic center under the ball of both feet with legs together. Slowly lift both legs up to a comfortable height with hands in the handles or on the nylon straps to comfortably have arms extended and legs in the air. Pointing flex the ankle into the elastic strip to feel the stretch not only in the calves but also in the back of the thighs and lower back. Perform the stretch for up to one minute and breathe throughout the movement.

(These last 5 stretches are a great lower body and lower back stretch routine that can be repeated for a 10-minute stretch routine or combined as a total of 10 for a total body stretch.)



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