15 Ways to Alleviate Foot Pain

In a study in the National Institute of Health, “Findings indicate that approximately one in five people report foot pain, aching or stiffness’.
Whether you’re an avid runner or casual walker, foot pain can sideline your activity. There are several types of foot pain and many can be alleviated with a simple stretch routine. Most foot pain is a result of excessive use or muscle imbalances. Pain related to the foot can be in the heel, shins, toes, ball of the foot or ankle.
Here are four common foot problems, and how it feels when you may have it.
Plantar Fasciitis
What is it?
An inflammation of a thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes.
How does it feel?
Symptoms include stabbing pain near the heel. Pain might be worse in the morning.
Shin Splints
What is it?
Medial tibial stress syndrome, shin splints, often occur with intensified or changes in training routines. It overworks the muscles, tendons and bone tissue.
How does it feel?
Tenderness, soreness or pain along the inner side of your shinbone and mild swelling in your lower leg. At first, the pain might stop when you stop exercising. Eventually, however, the pain can be continuous and might progress to a stress reaction or stress fracture.
What is it?
Peripheral neuropathy refers to the dysfunction of the nerves in the toes or feet due to compression or muscle imbalances
How does it feel?
Sharp, jabbing, throbbing or burning pain. Extreme sensitivity to touch. Pain during activities that shouldn't cause pain, such as pain in your feet when putting weight on them or when they're under a blanket. Lack of coordination and falling.
Ankle Sprains
What is it?
An injury that occurs when the ankle rolls, twists, or turns in an awkward way.
This can stretch or tear the tough bands of tissue (ligaments) that help hold the ankle bones together.
How does it feel?
People usually feel immediate pain at the site of an ankle sprain. Often the ankle starts to swell immediately and may develop bruising. The affected area is usually tender to touch and may feel "wobbly" or unstable.
To alleviate and prevent these common foot related conditions, a regular stretching and strengthening program is essential. Here are several exercises to improve range of motion and prevent injuries to the foot.
15 Pain Relief Exercises
- Heel raises. Start with feet together and raise heels while pressing through the ball of the foot. Start with both feet on the ground and progress to a single leg heel raise. Perform 8-12 reps. For single leg heel raises, repeat on the other side.
- Heel raises on a balance pad. Start with feet together and raise heels while pressing through the ball of the foot on the balance pad. Start by holding onto a chair or wall until your ankles are strong enough to perform the movement. Start with both feet on the pad and progress to a single leg heel raise. Perform 8-12 reps. For single leg heel raises, repeat on the other side.
- Toe Pulls. Start standing with feet together and raise toes while keeping legs straight. Try not to lean back through the knees. Perform 8-12 reps. Perform the toe pulls with feet together, feet pointed outward and heels pointed outward for a total of 3 different foot positions in this set.
- Clock taps. Start standing on the yoga block and balance on one foot. Take the lifted right foot and while bending the other knee, tap the grounds as if you were standing in the center of a clock and tap foot on numbers 3,4,5,6, and 7. Switch legs and lift the foot to tap on 9,8,7, 6, and 5 with the left foot. Repeat the tapping while balancing 8-12 times on each side.
- Calf Stretch. Start with heel on the ground and toes leaning on top of the yoga block. With other foot slightly in front of the block on the floor, lean the body weight forward until you feel stretch in the calf. Keep stretching side leg straight. Hold for 10-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
- Soleus calf stretch. Start with the heel on the ground and toes leaning on top of the yoga block. Step your other foot slightly in front of the block on the floor, lean the body weight forward until you feel stretch in the calf. Bend the back knee slightly to feel the stretch lower in the calf (in the soles). Hold for 10-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
- Calf stretch heel drop. Standing on the yoga block, place one foot on the center of the block and step the other foot back, with only the toes on the block. Lower the heel to feel a stretch in the calf. Hold for 10-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
- Alphabet ankles. Start by turning your ankle around slowly in circles to the left, then the right. You may even find it easier to try drawing the alphabet in the air with your foot. Lead with your big toe. Keep your movements small and focus on only use your foot and ankle, not your entire leg.
- Heel walks. Walk across the floor with toes up and keeping them in the air for 18-20 steps. This is a great exercise for all runners and people who wear high heels.
- Calf massage roll. Start on the ground and press the massage stick against the side of the calf. Gently roll with pressure to release muscles tension for 30-60 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
- Calf stretch with infinity ball - With a wall or chair close by for balance, place infinity ball under the ball of your foot just behind the ball of the foot. Step forward with the other foot and lean slightly forward. Hold that small step for 10 to 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side. Slowly bend your stretching leg on the second set to feel the stretch lower in the calf.
- Forefoot roll - With a wall or chair close by for balance, place infinity ball under the ball of your foot just behind the ball of the foot. Putting slight pressure in the foot, roll the ball toe to heel 8-10x. Then change sides.
- Instep roll - With a wall or chair close by for balance, place infinity ball under the middle of your foot just behind the ball of the foot. Putting slight pressure in the foot, roll the ball side to side 8-10x. Then change sides.
- Forefoot stretch - Rest the big toe on the infinity ball. Make sure you are opening the big toe away from the other toes and foot. Step forward with the other leg and hold for 30 seconds, then try to press your toe into the ball 10 times - your foot rests on the ground. Switch feet and repeat.
- Supine hamstring cross over stretch. Use your Flexistretcher with this stretch. Lying on your back with loops in hands, push the ball of your foot into elastic center and extend your lifted leg towards the ceiling and then dropping it in line with the hips over the body. Hold stretch at 90 degrees for 10-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
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